This page explains how this website has been optimised to make it more accessible to visitors with disabilities. It also contains instructions on how you can increase your font size to improve your journey.
If you have experienced any difficulties in using this website, or would like to suggest a change that would benefit you please get in touch by emailing us at: webmaster@insinkerator.co.uk
Changing the size of your text in our HTML version of the site
You can change the font size on this site by using the built-in "text size" options in your web browser. In most browsers this can be found on the tool bar under "View, Text Size". You can also access this feature by holding down the Ctrl key and using your mouse wheel if you have one.
To navigate through this website please use the menu at the top of the page. You can use the tab key to navigate through the menu links.
Font sizes
You may change the display font size to your preference using your browser:
Internet Explorer users:
Select View > Text size, and then your preferred size
Netscape users:
Select View > Text zoom, and then your preferred percentage size
Mozilla Firefox users:
Select Tools > Options > Content > Fonts & Colours then your chosen size
Select Tools > Preferences > Web pages > Normal font then your chosen size
Select Safari > Preferences > Appearance then your chosen font and size
Note: other browsers may vary
Style sheets and Font colours
You may import your own style sheet into this website:
Internet Explorer users:
1. Select Tools > Internet options > Accessibility
2. Next click on any or all of three checkboxes to ignore colours, font styles or font sizes
3. In the same window you can change your style sheet by clicking the checkbox that says, 'format documents using my style sheet' then simply browse to your style sheet and click OK
Netscape users:
1. Select Edit > Preferences > Appearance then your chosen colours and fonts
Mozilla Firefox users:
Select Tools > Options > Content > Fonts & Colours then your chosen font family
Select Tools > Preferences > Web pages > Normal font then your chosen colour
Select Safari > Preferences > Appearance > Standard Font > then your chosen colour
To conform to W3 accessibility guidelines, cascading style sheets have been used to create the layout of this site. However, the functionality and content are independent of this technology and users may disable the default style sheets to maximize flexibility with font resizing or implement their own style sheets in their browser preferences.